Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Miley gets pro-gay marriage tattoo

Miley Cyrus has added another tattoo to her collection, and this time it’s a symbol for marriage equality on her ring finger. The singer tweeted a photo of her new ink on Saturday.“All LOVE is equal,” she tweeted, along with the photo. In the image, her other tattoo, a heart on her pinkie, can also be seen.

Soon after, the singer wrote, “Where does it say in the bible to judge others? Oh right. It doesn’t. GOD is the only judge honey. ‘GOD is love’”.

Cyrus has often been vocal about her support of gay marriage on Twitter. In July, when the verdict for the Casey Anthony case was announced, Cyrus took a moment to express her disappointment on both the verdict and the fact that same-sex marriage was still illegal in the state.

“You know the world is skewed when people get away with murdering children but we cant get gay marriage legalized in the state of California,” she tweeted.

In 2009, she voiced her support for Perez Hilton in his feud with the former Miss California, Carrie Prejean. After Prejean told the audience that she did not believe same-sex marriage should be legalized during the Miss USA pageant, Hilton launched an online campaign criticizing her comments.

“I am a Christian and I love you – gay or not,” she wrote to Perez Hilton. “Because you are no different that anyone else! We are all God’s children!”
Source: Billboard.com

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