Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Katie Couric Slips Up & Talks About Miley

Leave it up to the ladies of The View to get into a passionate/heated debate. On Wednesday’s show,Whoopi Goldberg and guest host Katie Couricquarreled about whether or not celebrities with a strong youth fan base should be considered “role models.”

Katie explained that she understands parental concern about how children’s role models influence their behaviors.

But not co-host Whoopi Goldberg who explained that she also smokes cigarette’s in public, but that doesn’t make her a bad role model (as a lot of kids know her fromSesame Street).

Whoopi then said parents should be more concerned about their own influence on their children.

Katie, trying to defend her point said, “I’m not gonna castrate Miley Cyrus, but …”

And Barbara Walters chimed in to correct her slip-up, “After this I’m gonna talk to you about sex …”
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