Friday, August 5, 2011

Jeremy Pivens niece told him about playing drums w/ MC 'Shes a much better singer

Even working with Miley Cyrus in the upcoming So Undercover hasn't helped. He told her once he played drums when Cyrus sang at their wrap party. "Without missing a beat, Pearl goes, 'She's a much better singer than you are a drummer,'" Piven said.
Pearl sounds pretty cool to us.
As for the Entourage flick (if for some reason you haven't heard, a movie is already being planned for the hit HBO series after it ends this season), Piven said it makes sense, especially for his television alter ego Ari Gold. "Ari walks away with this conundrum," he said. "I can't tell you what it is, but I think it's one we've all faced and it's kind of a perfect way to end—or the perfect way to segue into a movie."
Perhaps they'll find a part for Pearl in it.
Read The Full Article Here.

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