Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Stevie Nicks loves Miley’s cover of Landslide

In a recent interview, Stevie Nicks – known for being part of Fleetwood Mac – was asked about Miley covering their song Landslide. She said:

Miley Cyrus covered Landslide on stage in Australia. Did you hear about that?

I know! Someone showed it to me on YouTube. It was really good. We were on the Oprah show together, me and Miley and Pat Benatar and Sheryl Crow and some others. Rock and roll girls. I met Miley and I thought she was really nice. She’s done a very sweet homage. I’m delighted to have someone her age doing that song.

I think what she said was cute, and I loved Miley’s cover of the song! How cool would a Miley Cyrus & Stevie Nicks duet be? Check out the full interview  here.

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