Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Raven Symone Advice For Miley, Selena?

Raven Symone conference call interview. Her new show State of Georgia airs Wednesdays at 8:30 PM/ 7:30c! How is Raven different than Georgia? Georgia is Raven Backster IF.. she moved somewhere else and got a new family, but the ambitions are the same and [the attitude of] doing whatever she had to do..
..to reach them. Loyalty is also the same, but Georgia is more mature but not as crazy but there are moments of similarity, but the main core of Georgia is more of a trust fund situation and a different outlook on life! She plays the confident and fun girl J-14: Do you think you can have just ONE best friend or can you have multiple best friends? Well, you know being that I’m 25, I’ve been through a lot, and a lot of people I think are my best friends turn out they’re not.
I think that ultimately in life you are lucky to call just one person your best friend. To me, a best friend is someone you never have to talk even if you’re in the room.. but you’ll have a great time and you don’t necessarily need to be in a conversation to be a best friend with someone. Someone who knows you, someone who makes you feel better when you’re in a bad mood or makes you feel better about yourself. I think that its possible to have multiple best friends and you have to realize and I think of it this way, that you can have multiple soul mates in life as well, and you shouldn’t feel bad that you have to choose, and you might, and that’s okay, just don’t do favoritism!
Advice for Selena/ Miley/ Demi? They don’t need advice from me! They are on a mission, they are amazing. I think Disney definitely picked amazing talent. They’re very smart girls.. They know what they’re doing, and I think everyone just goes through issues and they just got to let them go through theirs.
On cyberbullying: I wasn’t allowed to go on the internet when I was younger and I first started, because I wasn’t allowed, because my mom was aware of that! So nowadays I don’t really go into chats.. so I always say to people, ‘If you have a problem with me text me, If you don’t have my number than that means you don’t know me well enough to have a problem with me anyways.’
It’s so easy for me to press the power button it’s ridiculous and I think people like to create drama just so that they have drama in their life, but it’s really unnecessary and actually prevents you from succeeding. If you do know that person you need to tell them, ‘Don’t you realize that the internet has all this information and stays up there forever?’ With that being said, TURN THE COMPUTER OFF!
Do you still keep in contact with the Raven cast & how do you stay so down to earth? Yes I still keep in contact with raven cast and raven crew! We had a great run and -names a few of em- And on staying grounded, I have wonderful people that stay around me and I have people that say NO to me, and normally I don’t like that when it comes to business and people say no, but with my friends I like it because they don’t like me go crazy, especially nowadays.
They don’t let me go crazy, and if someone says no to you, and their within your circle, that means they care about you! Cause if they keep saying, ‘yes and yes and yes and yes’ even if when you’re wearing [something ridiculous] then that means they totally don’t care and just want you to go crazy. You can test your friends if you put something on that’s crazy and that you know that’s crazy, and if they say yes, just go ‘RUDE, I’ll talk to you later’ and go back to your business! Are you a fan of any Disney Shows nowadays? I don’t watch Disney as much I’m 25!
Best & worst date experience? I don’t have a bad date, and im fortunate enough to not have those stories! So there was this guy and so I was driving.. because I like being in control of the situation just in case, and um.. we go to this pizza place and I was gonna pay for my pizza slice and so we literally started arguing.
And I’m like, this is amazing, this is awesome, this is the first date to prove that we’re going to be friends right now, and he asked my why do I want to pay, and it was because I didn’t want him thinking I owe him something later or whatever and whatnot. And so literally, by the end of the conversation, I was like so, ‘who was your last girlfriend and who do you talk to, and we became like friends! And to me that’s an awesome date because I was able to switch around the situation. My girlfriends think I’m absolutely crazy, but in the end I gained a friend!

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