Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fashion Showdown: Miley Cyrus Versus Selena Gomez

Miley Cyrus versus Selena Gomez: Fashion showdown! Three years ago, we set up a poll for readers to cast their vote on who’s cuter? Selena or Miley. At that time, Miley was only 15, according to then Hollywood rumors, Cyrus was going to be replaced by Gomez for her Disney’s Hannah Montana role.

Inevitably, that never happened as we know Hannah Montana had its recent finale and Miley is no more Hannah Montana.

When we set up the poll on August 1, 2008, thousands of readers cast their votes and the result? Almost 74% of the voters think Selena is cuter.

Fast forward three years, the two young starlets have both grown a lot more. Miley turned 18 last November and Selena will turn 19 on the 22nd of July. It begs us to ask our readers today if they prefer Miley Cyrus‘ fashion sense or Selena Gomez‘.

Cast your vote right here! This poll is meant for fun and with no malice intention. To us, these two are almost polar opposites but they are always being compared so go ahead and please tell us what do you think?

Click here to vote (Miley is winning at the moment)    Source:

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