Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fan receives "Miley's" shirt

Northon Barboza is the name of the lucky fan who opened her home to her shirt that Miley said one of the promotional videos, in collaboration with the brand of absorbent Sym. Northon was also one of the people who camped at the site of the show 15 days before the presentation of Miley in Rio Read below Northon the testimony of winning the shirt:

"I've never been lucky in promotions, etc ... but related to Miley, I made my own luck, lol. I fought hard to win this shirt and got it, was half nervous because the shirt did not come, but suddenly arrived, & I explode with joy when I found out, I knew that the shirt arrived this week, I was jumping to meet the postman, there I said 'Norton Barboza' & I 'AAAAH I myself!' then she grabbed a big package from his pocket, signed & sent me wonder if I was a Basque, I said yes, & I said ok because it was written in package 'Shirt Basque'. Between home, unwrapped the package carefully & I grabbed the shirt, the first thing I did was find a hair or something with the DNA of Miley, I smelled his shirt to feel a different smell to say it was the smell of Miley until I gave up & open the shirt, the kiss is so pretty, smooth & perfect!

Well, maybe not get a picture or a hug from Miley, but I am happy to know that she was with this blouse, it's like a marriage I have with it. It may be foolishness to some, but for me it is very important. I can say I'm beaming & closer to my beautiful Diva! "

Thx @MileyCyrus_FL @MileyRayInfo

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