Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Britney Spears Taking Femme Fatale Tour to South America Like Miley

Although Britney Spears is currently busy in North America on her Femme Fatale Tour, Britney recently announced that she will take the Femme Fatale Tour to South America in similar fashion as Miley Cyrus and her recent Gypsy Heart Tour.
In a new YouTube video, Britney Spears announced to the world that the Femme Fatale Tour will soon head to South America. Britney addressed her South American fans with an apology over the fact that her Circus Tour didn't make it south of the border. At the end of the video message, Britney revealed the first few South Americandates for the Femme Fatale Tour.
The new South American Femme Fatale Tour dates include Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, Brazil, with ten more dates to be revealed soon.
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