Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Billy Ray talks to SpinMagazine about meeting Kurt Cobain &seeing mileycyrus sing one of his songs

I was living in my Chevy Beretta around the time Nevermind was released. I was 29, my life had fallen apart -- I was going through a divorce, losing my home and my cat. It was the background music for the drama unfolding in my world.

In '92, my album Some Gave All came out and was the No. 1 album for 17 weeks in a row. There was a lot of attention all of a sudden. One night, my circus pulls into town somewhere out West, I believe Arizona, and Nirvana's trucks were coming out of the place they'd played. Somewhere in the bowels of one of those buildings, a guy walked up to me and said, "Congratulations, you pissed the whole world off." I looked at Kurt and said, "Thank you." We just chitchatted. A few months later, backstage at the Billboard Music Awards, we crossed paths again, and this time it was a really strong handshake, like, "My friend, I didn't know we'd ever cross paths again."

I saw Miley's cover of "Teen Spirit" in South America. The crowd just went crazy. And I thought, "How beautiful, man," because I do believe Kurt's spirit is very much still on this earth, through his fans and his music. I did have a very surreal moment watching my little girl do their song, realizing, "Wow, these kids are singing along to this in English, every word. And I'm sure that Kurt loves it."
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